Is your training program focusing on the symptoms of behaviour issues, the root causes of the issue, or both?
Many may misinterpret behaviours displayed by their dog as the issue, however, they can often be the symptom of something bigger and more underlying. This is understandable due to many of these symptoms being visual and ‘on display’.
Some of the common symptoms that are usually indicators of something bigger could be.
- Nuisance barking
- Destruction
- Resource guarding
- ‘Reactivity’
Identifying and treating these are not useless, in fact learning to identify the symptoms and managing them SHORT TERM is a crucial element to many training and behaviour programs. Treating the cause but allowing the symptoms to continue can be counterproductive to long-term results.
Identifying the root cause can be a little trickier and rarely connected to one area, some of the above symptoms could be occurring due to.
- Boredom
- Lack of training
- Misunderstanding of a dog’s instinctual needs and genetics
- Lack of stimulation and enrichment
- Lack of early exposure and development
A long-term change in behaviour can take time, there are no miracle cures, no magic wands to wave. Many may pass off miracle results but will also be disappointed when only managing the symptoms fails and the behaviours reoccur.
So what is the best outcome for the dog? A short-term fix, or long-term change? Quite often, BOTH!
Manage the symptoms short-term to stop their reinforcement.
Seek assistance in an appropriate training program for long-term change in the dog’s behaviour.
Be prepared to also invest in the change of your own behaviour, lifestyle, and education. It takes two to Tango, and two to build a great canine friend and relationship.
If you need help identifying symptoms, root causes or developing a program for your dog and yourself CONTACT US below! or direct to
#identifysymptoms #treatthecause