Don’t End Up Chasing Your TailPosted on

As a dedicated team of dog trainers, we’ve enjoyed working with many passionate dog owners at various stages of their training journeys. However, we often encounter owners who face significant challenges, particularly those who begin training too late or abandon training too early.

Effective training should start from day one and continue throughout your dog’s life. It’s not a quick fix or a brief activity you engage in for 30 minutes each week; it’s a lifelong commitment that shapes your dog’s behaviour, creates resilience, encourages learning and strengthens bonds.

Waiting for undesirable behaviours to surface can create a frustrating cycle of “chasing your training tail,” where you’re constantly reacting to your dog’s behaviour instead of proactively shaping it. This can lead to a sense of helplessness and a lack of progress in your training efforts.

If you want a well-trained, well-mannered, and confident dog—whether as an assistance animal or a cherished family companion—the answer is clear: train early and train consistently.

🐶 Start training your puppy from DAY ONE. Early engagement lays the foundation for good behaviour and empowers you as a dog owner.

🐶 Train obedience skills BEFORE signs of “reactivity” appear. Proactive training prevents issues down the line and ensures you’re prepared for any situation.

🐶 Establish boundaries and rules BEFORE unwanted behaviours develop. Clear expectations create a more harmonious home.

🐶 Crate train your dog BEFORE you need to move or when recovery is required. This ensures your dog has a familiar and safe spot at all times.

Neglecting this commitment can lead to frustration and ineffective training. Let’s break that cycle together! Start your training journey today to ensure a brighter future for both you and your dog.

Be proactive—avoid chasing your tail!