Stanley's Doggy Dayschool Report


It was a PLEASURE training with your pooch today and we look forward to continuing to help you achieve your goals, skills and improve your relationship.

Your journey does not end here, it has only just begun!

"I trained hard, I played hard! Please find below the skills we worked on and my results. I look forward to showing you what I learnt and working on them more with you!" If you have any questions about the skills we trained please feel free to contact todays trainer."

Skill Comment We focused on Grade
Skill learnt: Drop/ Down Comment: Stanley was super excited to get started today, jumping all over the resort to expend his energy and excitement. We practiced drops in the hallway of the resort, as all the noise from the nearby dogs added to his level of arousal, getting him even more hyped up. We practiced putting him into a drop and getting Stan to calm himself down. This led to him getting up early quite a few times, but we continued to put him back in his drop and made sure he was working within the boundaries of the skill. Once he was calmer, we made our way outside the classroom to keep practicing, adding in some distractions. Stan stayed in the skill more consistently, although he still released himself early every now and then. By the end of the lesson, he was reliably staying in the skill. Focus: Distraction B
Skill learnt: Place Training Comment: Stanley did some more red light green light to continue working on his impulse control. We worked around another dog in the room to also add an extra layer onto the skill. Stanley went at the toy intensely when released, excited to play. We then stopped the game and placed him on a spot to settle down before starting again. Stanley released himself early a handful of times as he was excited to play. We kept him within the boundaries of the skills, with Stanley more reliably staying in the skill by the end of the lesson. Focus: Conditioning B
Skill learnt: Recall Comment: Stanley finished with some recalls in the classroom for a bit of obedience and some fun. We put him on a long line, getting him to make his way into a drop before making our way across the room and calling him to us. Stanley excitedly made his way back each time, sprinting across the room to the trainer, coming to a drop in front of us. Stanley got distracted a few times on his way back, trying to say hello to one of the other trainers, but with a bit of practice, he managed to start ignoring all the distractions, getting back to us consistently. Focus: Distance B

We recommend your next step should be…

Continue Dayschools

A: Outstanding (90 – 100%) I understand my training, Neat & Complete! Ready to move on to higher difficulty & distraction
B: Great Work (80-89%) I mostly understand, Almost neat & complete! Needs practice in some areas. Mild distractions
C: Well DoneĀ (70-79%) Some good progress. Needs work, but on my way. Still learning. Low distractions.
D: Beginning (60-69%) My journey is just beginning, I don’t understand just yet. Introduction phase. No distraction.
E: Unable to Progress. Needs major focus, seek further options to assist.

X: Not gradable, the focus was on Enrichment, Socialisation & Engagement.


Check out our stories on Facebook or Instagram to see more of Stanley's time with us. Be quick, though, as stories are only live for 24 hours.