Opal!'s Doggy Dayschool Report


It was a PLEASURE training with your pooch today and we look forward to continuing to help you achieve your goals, skills and improve your relationship.

Your journey does not end here, it has only just begun!

"I trained hard, I played hard! Please find below the skills we worked on and my results. I look forward to showing you what I learnt and working on them more with you!" If you have any questions about the skills we trained please feel free to contact todays trainer."

Skill Comment We focused on Grade
Skill learnt: Place Training Comment: For her first session the trainer took Opal into the classroom and worked on her place skill. She was especially excited to be training with Sam again today as she hasn’t seen him in quite a while! The trainer used this excitement to test her by getting her on place then getting really low trying to entice Opal over to him, to start she broke super easy wanting cuddles however she was quick to recover and was soon keeping on the place bed even when the trainer was really enticing her off it which was great! This was a great way to start her day as well making sure she knows it’s time to work and not play and cuddle! Focus: Distraction B
Skill learnt: Trick Training Comment: For her second session today the trainer wanted to avoid the heat and so did this next session in the classroom in front of the big fan! In order to not get too serious with her training and keep her happy positive energy going the trainer did some trick training for this session! The trainer worked on a few favourites like spin and balancing on things however the main focus was on her paws up today! The trainer challenged her with something new with this skill today, instead of just having one pile of buckets to get up on today she actually had two right next to each other and the idea was that the trainer was going to see how long it took her to figure out she needed to have her back paws on one and her front paws on another! Of course it didn’t take her very long so to continue the challenge the frisbee started to put the buckets at different angles and in weird positions, she was a little hesitant to start on different angles but soon caught on and was doing great with this! The trainer was super happy with this session. Focus: Repetition B+
Skill learnt: Exposure Comment: As part of the festive Fido month the trainers are taking the dogs through some exposure session with some of experiences the dogs may have never gone through before! For Opal that was the bubble machine! Having her on place the trainer turned on the bubble machine and hundreds of bubbles came rushing towards Opal! At first it was a bit confronting and she did break off the bed, however with the help of food the trainer was able to get her to stop being so nervous, so much so that by the end of the session Opal was chasing the bubbles around trying to catch them! This isn’t just a bit of a fun but actually teaches Opal how to better deal with situations she isn’t sure about! She smashed it today and the trainer is super happy with her progress. Focus: Confidence C+

We recommend your next step should be…

Continue Dayschools

A: Outstanding (90 – 100%) I understand my training, Neat & Complete! Ready to move on to higher difficulty & distraction
B: Great Work (80-89%) I mostly understand, Almost neat & complete! Needs practice in some areas. Mild distractions
C: Well Done (70-79%) Some good progress. Needs work, but on my way. Still learning. Low distractions.
D: Beginning (60-69%) My journey is just beginning, I don’t understand just yet. Introduction phase. No distraction.
E: Unable to Progress. Needs major focus, seek further options to assist.

X: Not gradable, the focus was on Enrichment, Socialisation & Engagement.


Check out our stories on Facebook or Instagram to see more of Opal!'s time with us. Be quick, though, as stories are only live for 24 hours.