Luna's Doggy Dayschool Report


It was a PLEASURE training with your pooch today and we look forward to continuing to help you achieve your goals, skills and improve your relationship.

Your journey does not end here, it has only just begun!

"I trained hard, I played hard! Please find below the skills we worked on and my results. I look forward to showing you what I learnt and working on them more with you!" If you have any questions about the skills we trained please feel free to contact todays trainer."

Skill Comment We focused on Grade
Skill learnt: Loose Lead (No pull) Comment: We focused on loose lead this session. We worked in the classroom since she was too distracted outside. She showed better engagement inside but wasn’t keen on taking treats. We were able to also practice a few drops this session, with just a verbal and small hand gesture. Keep working on her loose lead at home, making sure to turn the other way as soon as she puts tension on the lead. If she pulls and gets to what she wants (person or something to sniff) she reinforces the behaviour. It can be a very repetitive session, but if you are consistent Luna will understand the rules clearly! Focus: Distraction C+
Skill learnt: Place Training Comment: We worked on her place skill outside today. Luna showed some good duration but was a bit cheeky with getting onto the bed, often sitting just next to it. Through repetition and positive experience we were able to get her jumping on and off the bed. Make sure you are practicing this on lead at home and not giving in to those cheeky behaviours - you need to have firm boundaries with her otherwise she will get away with the cheeky stuff! Focus: Distraction B
Skill learnt: Drop/ Down Comment: This last session focused on some Drop duration. We had Luna in a drop position while the trainer moved around her, starting with slow movements and building them up to be quicker and quicker. Luna did well with the slow/medium paced movements but struggled as soon as the trainer used high energy! This is something to work on at home, building up her impulse control slowly so she knows she has to hold whatever skill/position no matter what is happening around her. Focus: Duration B

We recommend your next step should be…

Continue Dayschools

A: Outstanding (90 – 100%) I understand my training, Neat & Complete! Ready to move on to higher difficulty & distraction
B: Great Work (80-89%) I mostly understand, Almost neat & complete! Needs practice in some areas. Mild distractions
C: Well Done (70-79%) Some good progress. Needs work, but on my way. Still learning. Low distractions.
D: Beginning (60-69%) My journey is just beginning, I don’t understand just yet. Introduction phase. No distraction.
E: Unable to Progress. Needs major focus, seek further options to assist.

X: Not gradable, the focus was on Enrichment, Socialisation & Engagement.


Check out our stories on Facebook or Instagram to see more of Luna's time with us. Be quick, though, as stories are only live for 24 hours.