Luna's Doggy Dayschool Report


It was a PLEASURE training with your pooch today and we look forward to continuing to help you achieve your goals, skills and improve your relationship.

Your journey does not end here, it has only just begun!

"I trained hard, I played hard! Please find below the skills we worked on and my results. I look forward to showing you what I learnt and working on them more with you!" If you have any questions about the skills we trained please feel free to contact todays trainer."

Skill Comment We focused on Grade
Skill learnt: Loose Lead (No pull) Comment: We worked on Luna's loose lead walking in the classroom, focusing on keeping her engagement on the trainer. She wasn't interested in treats at all this lesson, making it a bit more challenging, but we used affection and praise instead to reward her. She started pulling hard in every direction as we started the lesson. We went over the foundations of the skill, with Luna starting to realize that she wasn't going to go anywhere she wanted unless she stayed by our side. Luna did well staying next to our leg as we walked, veering off every now and then but quickly making her way back to position. We would take a quick break every now and then when she was walking well to give her a quick cuddle and belly scratch to tell her she was doing a good job. Focus: Back to Basics C
Skill learnt: Place Training Comment: Luna worked on her place skill, going over the foundations before continuing with some work on duration. Luna showed she has a good knowledge of the skill, going on the bed when asked and staying there until given her release word. Luna would step off before her release word every now and then but with a quick reminder would jump back on and continue the skill. Luna would have periods she would start to resist coming off the bed, laying down and resisting the lead guidance to come off. She finished the lesson well, going on and off as asked. Focus: Duration C+
Skill learnt: Recall Comment: Luna finished the day with her recall in the classroom. We put her on a long line, letting her get distracted before calling her back to us. As she makes her way back we introduced a little bit of movement backwards to entice her to keep chasing us. When she got to us we used a lot of praise and scratches as she was reacting very well to these, showing they were more valuable than any food we had for her. We would make a big deal the moment she got back to us, using a lot of energy and excitement to let her know she had done what we wanted. We repeated this for a while, with Luna having periods where she came back quite slowly but showed she came back almost every time. Focus: Distance C+

We recommend your next step should be…

Continue Dayschools

A: Outstanding (90 – 100%) I understand my training, Neat & Complete! Ready to move on to higher difficulty & distraction
B: Great Work (80-89%) I mostly understand, Almost neat & complete! Needs practice in some areas. Mild distractions
C: Well DoneĀ (70-79%) Some good progress. Needs work, but on my way. Still learning. Low distractions.
D: Beginning (60-69%) My journey is just beginning, I don’t understand just yet. Introduction phase. No distraction.
E: Unable to Progress. Needs major focus, seek further options to assist.

X: Not gradable, the focus was on Enrichment, Socialisation & Engagement.


Check out our stories on Facebook or Instagram to see more of Luna's time with us. Be quick, though, as stories are only live for 24 hours.